For many years we have been keeping close relations with various companies establishing long-term and effective partnership with major national and international organizations. We offer advanced solutions to our customers enabling them to run their business and implement their projects at the highest level.

We treasure and respect every client and do our best to satisfy any sophisticated wishes and requirements. All our employees are driven by a passion to achieve the aim and carry out all the projects successfully. Our team is close-knit and it involves highly-qualified professionals with rich experience. Our skills, practice and strive to exceed all the client’s expectations provide strong collaboration and mutual understanding.

We consider our partners to be our friends and comrades, without whom it sometimes seems impossible to make our plans come true. We use our best endeavors to establish solid and trust relations and tend to expect the same from our partners.

Working with us, you’ll quickly discover that we build relationships that our partners have come to rely on by consistently rendering the highest quality services and products.  We work strenuously to provide our clients with the innovative technologies and solutions to achieve any business or production breakthrough in oil and gas industry!

 Among our clients and partners there are such recognized companies us: 

Dalmorneftegeofizika JSC, Moscow, Yuzho-Sakhalinsk

MIMGO Inc., г. Moscow

SamaraNIPIneft ltd., Samara

Samara-Nafta Inc., Samara

Samaraneftegeofizika JSC, Samara

Basneft JSOC, Ufa

Orenburgeofizika ltd., Orenburg

Yuzhmorgeologiya SSC, Gelendjik

Permneftegeofizika JSC, Perm

Geomen ltd., Perm

LUKOIL West Siberia, Kogalym

V.I. Shpilman Research and Analytical Center, Khanty-Mansiysk

Sibneftegeofizika JSC, Novosibirsk

Volgogradneftegeofizika JSC, Volgograd

 TomskNIPIneft JSC, Tomsk

Seisnetics, USA

TNNC ltd., Tyumen

Gazpromneft-NTC JSC, Tyumen

SurgutNIPIneft JSC, Tyumen

NOVATEK ltd., Tyumen

Nedra-Consult ltd., Tyumen

Purgeofizika ltd., Tyumen

Geostra ltd., Tyumen


Lukoil Engineering ltd., Tyumen

Georez ltd., Tyumen

Ingeoservice ltd., Tyumen


PTTEP PCL, Thailand

ReMASA, Argentina

Turkmengeologiya, Turkmenistan 

Techco, Canada

Tesseral Technologies Inc. Canada